Eesti keeles

Harbour regulations

Table of contents


  1. Business form
    1. The possessor of Grand Holm Marina is Modify OÜ.
    2. Registry code: 14147942
    3. Address: Pärnu mnt 232, 11314, Harjumaa, Tallinn.
    4. Port operator: GHM Halduse OÜ, registry code 14749262. Address: Westmeri 3, Haapsalu 90502
  2. Location, delimitation of territory and aquatory of the port
    1. Grand Holm Marina is located in the gulf of Tagalaht, on the west coast of Republic of Estonia, on the seashore of Väinameri. The port is known as former Haapsalu marina, Haapsalu jahisadam, Haapsalu guestharbor, Haapsalu külalissadam and Haapsalu külaliskai by navigational information.
    2. Geographical position:
      B = 58° 57,501’ N (latitude)
      L = 23° 31,610’ E (longitude)
    3. The area of the port is 4 900 m2 and the territory of aquatory is 10 593. m2.
  3. Technical data of the port

    In the port there are 8 quays with general lenght 448 m.

    1. Table

      NameDepth by quay (m)
      Quai A1, fixed quay1,0
      Quai A2, fixed quay2,5
      Quai B, fixed quay2,5
      Quai C, fixed quay2,5
      Quai D1, fixed quay1,0
      Quai D2, fixed quay2,5
      Quai E1, technical quay1,5
      Quai E2, technical quay2,5
      Quai F, fixed quay2,5
      Quai G, fixed quay1,0
      Quai H, fixed quay2,5
      Quai I, floating quay0,5
      Quai J, floating quay0,5
    2. Specific risk factors at port.

      Navigation: Waterway leading to Haapsalu has fairly complex configuration, with a lenght of about 950 meters and a depth of 3-5 meters. Waterway consist of a number of sections, where ships move in several leading lines. At the end of the waterways, shown in the charts, the last slew from Tahu leading line is directly to ports gateway 229,8°-49,8°.

      Ports gateway buoys are located directly to the boundary line of safe water, depth outward the buoys is 1,2-1,5 meters. While entering the port the red buoys should be on larboard and the red buoys to starboard. This is not recommended to enter the port whithout being familiar with local circumstances if the floating seamarks are missing.

  4. Restrictions arising from weather conditions
    1. The port is protected practically against winds from every directions and waves due to its geographical position and new seawall. Active navigation period is from May 15 to September 15. Passive navigation period (vessels can enter to port, but some of the services are not available) is 210 days per year on an average from April 15 to October 31. The entry and exit to the port is prohibited when the wind speed exceeds 20 m/s or visibility is less than 100 meters. If necessary (on an emergency situation) the harbor master and shipmaster will make a decision.
    2. Water level in port can differ from the estimated zero-level -91cm to +150cm depending on weather conditions.
  5. Restrictions arising from the environmental requirements
    1. Vessel, when fuelling, changing oil, etc. must avoid contaminating port waters and territory.
    2. Fuelling, oil changing, etc. is allowed only by the E-quay , prior consent of the harbor master is needed. NB! Fuelling is prohibited by the other docks. If pollution occurs, harbor master should be informed immidiately.
    3. If the oil pollution is detected, action must be taken in accordance with the approved “Grand Holm Port emergency pollution eliminating plan”.
  6. 6. The port services 

    Valid after Grand Holm Marinas port’s passport’s approval by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

    1. Port services for vessels, including berthing services.
    2. Vessels can replenish drinking water s
      upplies; switch to the electrical network on the shore; dispose of sewage, bilge water and garbage; order fuel and lubricants.
    3. Possibility of storing vessels in open storage area.
    4. A truck-mounted crane can be ordered through the port administration.
    5. Fuelling of vessels (see paragraph 5.1 and 5.2)
    6. Catering.
    7. Maintenance and repair of vessels
    8. Sales of equipment and chandlery
    9. Sales of necessities, alcoholic and soft drinks
    10. Bicycle and car rental.
  7. Working hours at port
    1. Grand Holm Marina is open around the clock during the navigation period.
    2. Office hours of port administration: From Monday to Friday - 08.00-17.00, Lunch break - 12.00-13.00. Holidays - Saturday, Sunday and public- and national holidays
  8. Navigation period
    1. Duration of navigation depends on ice conditions. In case of icing the port does not work. Shipping season is from May 15 to September 15. Some of the services are not available before June 1 and after August 31.
  9. Local time difference from UTC
    1. Local time differs from UTC (universal time): +2 hours. During the summer time imposed by Estonian legislation (from the last Sunday of March to the last Sunday of October): +3 hours.
  10. The companies operating in the port
    1. Sadamate Investeeringud OÜ - port services
    2. Grand Holm Marina restoran (Black Garlic OÜ) - catering
    3. Baltic Cruisers OÜ - maintenance and repair of vessels, sale of accessories
    4. Rendix Auto OÜ - car rental
    5. Securitas AS - security services
    6. Ragn Sells - waste management
    7. Alexela automatic fuel station
  11. Traffic management in the port area
    1. Vehicles should be parked on the port’s territory only in authorized locations and in a way that they do not interfere movement of other vehicles and people. Parking preference is given to port- and vessels-related vehicles.
    2. The vehicles driving in the port territory must choose the safe speed and safe maneuvers. Entrance to the port area is entiteled only to vehickles of port customers and service vehickles. A harbor master have the right to limit the vehicles entering to the port area.
  12. Ground maintenance in the port territory
    1. The crews of vessels visiting the port are required to ensure compliance of the requirements of cleanliness, order, fire protection, healthcare and environmental protection.


  1. Order to inform about entering the port
    1. Vessels must inform harbor master of intention to enter the port aquatory at least 1 hour before the expected arrival in the port phone (+372) 472 9880 or GSM (+372) 565 2887 or VHF transmitter at channel 12, call sign “Grand Holm”.
    2. In case of the vessels and/or crew members, passengers, etc first entry to European Union (EU) or exit from EU the vessel must register border crossing in some of the border checkpoints of Republic of Estonia and carry out custom formalities. The vessel carring non-EU flag must provide border-crossing and customs documents to harbor master, if necessary. Non-EU citizens must provide documents affirming border-crossing to harbor master, if necessary.
    3. Border and customs clearance at port will take place by calling border guard in tasks of customs according to the current legislation.
  2. Communication arrangements while entering the port
    1. The phone in port (+372) 472 9880 or GSM (+372) 565 2887 or VHF transmitter at channel 12, call sign “Grand Holm”. The website of the port is
  3. Information required to apply for entry
    1. Name, dimensions and draught of the vessel, number of persons on board, purpose of entrance.
  4. Pilotage arrangements while entering
    1. The pilot can be ordered, if necessary, through Pilot Station operator on the phone (+372) 605 3888 or GSM (+372) 526 8432. The call sign is “Lehtma Pilot” or “Virtsu Pilot”. Call channel VHF 12. Harbor master can provide assistance while entering the port on VHF channel 12, call sign “Grand Holm”.
  5. Entry authorization procedures
    1. Vessels are required to apply to entry by GSM (+372) 565 2887 or phone (+372) 472 9880 (Harbor Master) or VHF channel 12, call sign “Grand Holm”.
  6. Arrangement of entry formalities
    1. Vessels should register entry to the port in the „Arrival and departure registration book of vessels“ and to comply with the requirements according to the legislation of the Republic of Estonia.
    2. “Arrival and departure registration book of vessels“ is located in an address: Westmeri 3, 90502 Haapsalu. The following information is required:
      Name and number of the vessel
      Entry/departure time
      Destination and point of departure
      Number of persons on board
      Master’s name and contact information.


  1. Traffic on port water area
    1. In the case of simultanous entry and departure the leaving vessel has the advantage.
    2. Vessels must move at minimum speed is maintaining steerability and maneuverability and do not endanger other boats on the port aquatory.
    3. The maximum permitted speed on port aquatory is 5 knots.
    4. Vessels must move and maneuver by engine power on port aquatory. Only the wind-driven (under the sails) movement is not allowed.
    5. Traffic on port aquatory outside the floating quay/breakwater (quay H) is allowed only with the permission of the harbor master. This area is reserved for watersport, swimming, etc.
    6. Access to the quays F and A (quay on Veskiviigi’s port side) as a rule, takes place outside the port waters of Grand Holm Marina and in coordination with the harbor master, who checks draught of the vessel in advance.
    7. Access to the new port of Veskiviigi takes place outside the port waters of Grand Holm Marina, in accordance with the regulation of the Government of the Republic. Vessels are recommended to notify the harbor master of the Veskiviigi port of their draught in advance.
  2. Mooring
    1. The port administration determines the mooring place of vessel. Requirements of good seamanship have to be followed while mooring. Mooring must not endanger other boats and port facilities.
    2. If necessary, the administration, in agreement with the holder of neighboring aquatory, decide mooring to neighboring aquatory or outside the port waters.
    3. A vessel must be equipped with a sufficient number of ropes of adequate strength and fenders, preferably 4 ropes and 6 fenders.
    4. Belaying the vessel to stern or bow to the quay sufficient distance between the quay and the vessel has to be maintained. Stern or bow of the vessel has to fendered.
    5. Anchoring the port waters can be done only with authorisation of the port administration.
    6. Harbor master decides the placement and replacement of the vessels and whether the mooring is with stern, bow or board to the quay or to the board of the other vessel. All the ways of mooring shown in the drawings and port maps are only indicative and illustrative in nature.
  3. Towing
    1. While towing, vessels must move at a minimum speed maintaining maneuverability and do not endanger other boats or the port constructions.
    2. Towing of vessels in the port area is allowed only with authorisation of the harbor master.
  4. Traffic in ice conditions
    1. Vessel traffic is not carried out in ice conditions.
  5. Special requirements
    1. The harbor master has the right to provide special requirements for shipping, prohibit entry and departure of vessels to/from port and sailing through the port aquatory.
    2. The port administration may require presenting of a third party liability insurance policy from vessels entering to the port.
    3. The harbor master has the right to close the port as a whole, the aquatory as a whole or part of it and close the quays.
    4. The harbor master has the right to ask extra charges for leading to port, leading out from port or for sailing through the port aquatory.
    5. Swimming in the port waters is allowed only in a designated area and hours.
    6. Access to quays is permitted only with the permission of the harbor master.
    7. The harbor master has the right to remove the unwanted and/or unauthorized persons, objects, boats, means of transport, and the like from the port territory. The same right of the harbor master applies also to the port aquatory.
    8. The harbor master has the right to make exceptions.
    9. Harbor master decides admission of anchoring in port.
    10. Cars are not allowed to drive on quays. Driving the car in port area is allowed with the permission of the harbor master only.
  1. Requirements, prohibitions, obligations of ships moored at the port
    1. All orders of the harbor master regarding the vessels standing at port, entry to aquatory, departure from aquatory, sailing throught aquatory are mandatory for both skipper and all members of the crew, as well as the person responsible for the vessel.
    2. The crew is forbidden to pollute the waters and territory of the port.
    3. Emptying toilets and septitanks to the port aquatory is prohibited, the polluter must pay all costs of cleaning.
    4. The crew of a vessel should periodically review the vessel and, if necessary, correct the ropes and fenders to ensure the safe standing at port in changed weather conditions, changed water level, etc.
  2. Indoor and deck works on moored vessels
    1. The vessels can carry out repairs only with the permission of the harbor master. Works which may contaminate the environment are not allowed.
    2. Welding and work with the open fire, both on board and in the territory of the port are not allowed as a rule, exceptions must be coordinated with the harbor master.
  3. Arrangement of communication the vessels in port
    1. Connection to the vessels standing in port is on the VHF channel 12 or via mobile phone.


  1. Order of informing about leaving the port
    1. Vessels must inform harbor master of an intention to exit the port aquatory at least 1 hour before the expected departure, guest vessels must notify 12 hours in advance.
    2. Vessels must register the exit from the port in the „Arrival and departure registration book of vessels“ which is located at the administration building in the address: Westmeri 3, 90502 Haapsalu.
  2. Communications arrangement while leaving the port
    1. Phone (+372) 472 9880 or GSM (+372) 565 2887 (harbor master) or VHF Channel 12 call sign "Grand Holm."
  3. Necessary information to apply for the exit permit
    1. Name of the vessel, number of persons on board, travel destination/port of destination.
    2. Border and customs clearance at port will take place by calling border guard in tasks of customs, according to the current legislation.
  4. Pilotage arrangement while leaving
    1. A pilot can be ordered, if necessary, through Pilot Station operator on phone (+372) 605 3888 or GSM (+372) 526 8432. The call sign is „Lehtma Pilot” or „Virtsu Pilot”. Call channel VHF 12. Harbor master can provide assistance while leaving the port on VHF channel 12, call sign “Grand Holm”.


  1. The following services are provided in Grand Holm Marina.

    Valid after Grand Holm Marina’s port passport’s approval by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.

    1. Port services for vessels, including mooring services.
    2. Vessels can replenish drinking water s
      upplies; switch to the electrical network on the shore; dispose of sewage, bilge water and garbage; order the fuel and lubricants.
    3. Possibility of storing vessels in open storage area.
    4. A truck-mounted crane can be ordered through the port administration.
    5. Fuelling of vessels (see paragraph 5.1 and 5.2)
    6. Catering
    7. Maintenance and repair of small vessels.
    8. Sales of equipment and chandlery.
    9. Sales of necessities, alcoholic and soft drinks.
    10. Bicycle and car rental.
    11. Vessels are required to pay for the port services in accordance with the the price list established by port authority. Port authorities have the right to change the number and pricing of services provided, according to the season, over/undercapacity and market situation. Information of the current price-list is given while obtaining entry to port or moorage booking.
    12. The port holder has authorized the provision of port services to operator company Ankrupoi OÜ and other companies, the list of companies is given in the 10th p of part I.


  1. Specialized passenger service is not offered.
  2. Vessels, which serve tourists arrange safe embarkation and disembarkation and arranging ticket sales by themselves. All this with the permission of the harbor master.


  1. There is no medical emergency room at the port, first aid kit is available at the harbor master. Medical care is not available at the port. The nearest point of medical care is located in Vaba 6, Haapsalu, phone (+372) 47 25875. Medical emergency service is available by phone 112.
  2. The nearest phone is in the port administration building.


  1. In the case of fire to be acted in accordance with the Maritime Administration’s „General port fire safety instructions" which is located in the building of port administration Westmeri 3. 2. Smoking is prohibited in port premises and quays.
  2. Suitsetamine on sadamahoones ja kaidel keelatud.
  3. Flammable works on a vessel must be coordinated with the harbor master.
  4. All fires on the board or at port must be reported immediately to harbor master and Rescue Service. Available means have to be used for extinguishing fire.
  5. Rescue and fire fighting equipment is located in the port building address Westmeri 3, Haapsalu.
  6. An operational plan in case of oil pollution:
    1. Masters of vessels in port are required to avoid oil products from getting into port waters.
    2. In case of pollution from the ship the crew has to take immediate measures to stop the pollution and eliminate it.
    3. Detection of oil pollution in port waters must be notified immediately to harbor master and/or the administration of port.
    4. The port administration will immediately notice the Department of Maritime Inspectorate, the National Environmental Board and the Fire- and Rescue Board about significant water pollution.
    5. Forwarding information and beginning of localization of pollution and cleaning 
      up of port waters will be held simultaneously.
    6. The harbor master is conducting pollution elimination at the port and is responsible for carrying out of it. The localization and disposal of oil will be carried out according to a emergency pollution eradication plan: "Grand Holm Marinas disposal plan of emergency pollution“, which is approved by the Environmental Inspectorate and is located in the port building at Westmeri 3, Haapsalu.


  1. Rescue Service is called, either independently or via harbor master on phone 112.
  2. Police called, either independently or via harbor master, on phone 110.
  3. A security company is called by the port’s staff only.


  1. Agency of ships does not offered by the port.